Pink the Town Pink

In a heartwarming display of unity and purpose, the Lockport High School Class of 2024, in a unanimous decision, has chosen to adopt pink as their class color in a departure from their previous orange color. This shift symbolizes their commitment to cancer awareness and the global fight against this devastating disease.

The decision to don pink was not taken lightly; it signifies a heartfelt mission that transcends style and fashion. This remarkable choice embodies a powerful gesture of support for breast cancer awareness, which resonates deeply within the Lockport community.

The students of the Class of 2024 did not stop at changing the color of their homecoming shirts. They transformed this symbolic act into a mission to raise funds for the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Their motivation was straightforward: cancer has touched the lives of many within the Lockport City School District, impacting families in numerous ways.

Madonna Walker and Lindsay Siejak, both cancer survivors and class advisors for the Class of 2024, emerged as inspirational leaders of this meaningful initiative. Madonna, a courageous one-year survivor of breast cancer, and Lindsay, a resilient ten-year survivor of ovarian cancer, poured their hearts into this endeavor. Their personal experiences infused the cause with a depth of understanding and passion.

The pink shirt fundraiser quickly gained momentum, with students and staff alike joining the cause. The district itself transformed into a sea of pink, symbolizing the unity and empathy that run deep within the Lockport community.

A total of 113 students and 230 staff members proudly wore their pink shirts, showing the collective strength of a community rallying for a noble cause. This resonates particularly in a year when the district's central message revolves around belonging, encapsulated by the "We All Belong" tagline and practices embraced across the district.

Seniors and staff gathered to present a check for $2,200 to the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Meanwhile, teachers throughout the district captured the essence of this inspiring movement by sharing their photos, reinforcing that this campaign was about much more than raising funds - it was about raising awareness, love, and support.

Ultimately, the sea of pink transcended mere color; it became a promise of hope, a tribute to the strength of survivors, and a recognition of those who have faced the battle against cancer. It serves as a reminder that, even in the face of adversity, the LCSD community stands united, a beacon of strength and support for those confronting the challenges of cancer.