A, B, C's: Attendance, Behavior and Credits

See below as well as this document for the ABC expectations for eligibility at LHS.  These areas of focus, attendance/behavior/credits, are the foundations for success in high school and in life.  You need to show up, be responsible and perform! 

Lockport Lions must focus on achieving high levels in the ABC categories; Attendance, Behavior and Credits.

  • A 90% attendance. Tardies count as half an absence regardless of how late a student is. If a student is absent or late they MUST bring in an excuse to have that listed in the system. We will NOT accept excuses beyond a week after a student absence.

  • B Following the code of conduct with being respectful and responsible is expected.

  • C Strive for 85% or higher in all courses. 

Eligibility, regardless of your grade level or excuse, is dependent on Students achieving the expected status in the ABC's. Attending events and participating in clubs and athletics is a privilege, not a right. We as adults must work together to raise the next generation of community members.