Michael Sobieraski
Director of Physical Education and Athletics
Email Michael Sobieraski
Lockport High School
250 Lincoln Avenue
Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: 716-478-4473 / Fax: 716-478-4518
The Lockport City School District is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children’s health, well-being, and the ability to learn by fostering healthy eating and physical activity. The District seeks to ensure all of its students obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to make nutritious food selections and enjoy life-long physical activity. Parents are encouraged to send in only healthy, packaged treats for classroom celebrations. The District will provide opportunities for every student to participate in physical education and to be involved in physical activities each week. The District will participate to the maximum extent practicable in available federal school meal programs. The District will engage in relationships with community partners in support of its wellness policy.
Reference: Policy 5661 in the policy manual.
The Lockport City School District has a wellness council that is represented by:
The Board of Education
Physical Education
Health Services
Community Organizations
The Lockport City School District's Wellness Council is responsible for the implementation of the district's wellness policy, according to current federal and state regulations and guidelines. The committee meets at regular intervals during the school year. Annual goals are identified through review of current literature, regulations for wellness in schools and interest of students and families.
Areas the council addresses include:
A commitment to nutrition and physical activity.
Quality school meals which adhere to current nutritional guidelines.
Healthy food options offered during curricular and extracurricular events.
Tobacco School Policy and Implementation.
Safe and pleasant eating environment.
Nutrition education.
Health education aligned with NYS standards
Staff Wellness
School parties and celebrations.
Anti-Bullying initiatives
Research shows a strong link between student achievement and student wellness. Wellness initiatives that promote student achievement include efforts aimed at promoting physical activity, nutrition, social, intellectual, career and spiritual health.
Student wellness results in better attendance, higher levels of academic performance, and better attitudes about school. That’s why the Federal Government has encouraged all schools to develop, implement and maintain a wellness policy that recommends a community and school partnership in helping children experience better wellness.
Information found on this website will provide you with nutrition, physical activity and wellness recommendations for your student and their family. It includes strategies for preventing or coping with, childhood obesity, a serious problem for children today.
Parents, Students & Educators are encouraged to be involved in the continuous development of our wellness program. The Federal Government recognizes the critical role of schools in curbing the epidemic of childhood obesity and encourages schools, in partnership with families, to create an environment that promotes healthy lifestyle choices.
Michael Sobieraski
Director of Physical Education and Athletics
Email Michael Sobieraski
Lockport High School
250 Lincoln Avenue
Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: 716-478-4473 / Fax: 716-478-4518