Substitute Employee Information

The Lockport City School District is always interested in employing additional substitute staff in the following areas: teacher, teaching assistant, teacher aide, clerical, custodial/maintenance, and noon hour/breakfast monitor.  

An individual may be employed as an Uncertified Substitute teacher if they have earned a high school diploma. Uncertified Substitute Teachers who are working toward certification (completing collegiate study at the rate of not less than six semester hours per year) are able to work additional days during one given school year.  Uncertified Substitute Teachers who are NOT working toward certification are limited to only 40 substitute teaching days in any given school year.

An individual may be employed as substitute teaching assistant, substitute teacher aide, substitute clerical, substitute custodial/maintenance and/or noonhour/breakfast monitor if they have earned a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma.

Fingerprint clearance through the New York State Education Department and participation in a Right to Know Mandatory Training session will be required.  

Application information and materials can be found here.

The Lockport City School District wants all of its employees to have healthy relationships both inside school and online. As valued professionals, please keep these tips in mind when you’re using social media accounts.