Student Registration - General Education K-12
To register your child online, there are two (2) steps to follow:
Step 1: Complete the Student Registration Packet. All forms should be filled out prior to your appointment.
Step 2: Call the Board of Education office to set up an appointment for registration. Registration by appointment only from 8 am-12 pm. Phone: (716) 478-4811 or (716) 478-4817
Lockport City School District Board of Education
130 Beattie Avenue
Lockport, NY 14094
You can also call to request a registration packet to be mailed if you are unable to download the forms.
Checklist for Student Registration K-12 General Education
Two (2) current proofs of residency
Photo Identification such as license or passport
Updated custody papers
Proof of Age for student such as birth certificate, passport, or baptism certificate
Completed Student Registration Packet
Completed Home Language Questionnaire
Completed Residency Supplemental
New York State Migrant Education Program Parent Survey
Student Ethnicity Document
Google APP for Education Consent Form
Health History Form: include updated physical and immunization record
Community Eligibility Provision Form/Free and Reduced Lunch Form
Consent Form for Authorization for release of information
Completed Emergency Health Form
For Students with IEPS or 504 Plan, please reference Student Registration Special Education
If you are registering for Kindergarten and your child attends the YWCA UPK program at John Pound, registration is not required. You need to update the following documents only:
Change of Address Form with two (2) current proofs of residency (if applicable)
Updated custody papers
Completed Emergency Health Form