Contact Us!
District Department Telephone Numbers
Athletic Office - (716) 478-4474
Business Office - (716) 478-4828
Educational Services (Curriculum and Instruction) Office - (716) 478-4836
Human Resources Office - (716) 478-4820
Facilities Office - (716) 478-4601
Food Service (Aramark) Office - (716) 478-4805
Special Education Office - (716) 478-4825
Student Services Office - (716) 478-4623
Superintendent's Office - (716) 478-4838
Transportation Office - (716) 478-4837
Lockport Board of Education
130 Beattie Avenue, Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: (716) 478-4800/4811
Fax: (716) 478-4823
Lockport High School
250 Lincoln Avenue, Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: (716) 478-4450/4501
Fax: (716) 478-4498
Dawn Wylke, Principal
Anthony Molinaro, Assistant Principal
Michael Pickreign, Assistant Principal
Amanda Schaus, Assistant Principal
Lockport High School West at Charlotte Cross
319 West Avenue, Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: (716) 478-4625/4626
Fax: (716) 478-4634/4517
Dr. Bernadette Smith, Principal
Aaron Mossell Junior High School
160 Passaic Avenue, Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: (716) 478-4700/4702
Fax: (716) 478-4705
Dr. Kathleen Bailey, Principal
Jason Madden, Assistant Principal
Julie Schiavone, Assistant Principal
Emmet Belknap Intermediate School
491 High Street, Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: (716) 478-4550/4551
Fax: (716) 478-4535
Jennifer Gilson, Principal
Shawn Murray, Assistant Principal
Elizabeth Smorol, Assistant Principal
Anna Merritt Elementary School
389 Green Street, Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: (716) 478-4725/4726
Fax: (716) 478-4730
Patricia McMahon, Principal
Charles A. Upson Elementary School
28 Harding Avenue, Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: (716) 478-4400/4402
Fax: (716) 439-6857
James Spanbauer, Interim Principal
George Southard Elementary School
6385 Locust Street Extension, Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: (716) 478-4770/4771
Fax: (716) 478-4775
Deanna Schmitt, Principal
Roy B. Kelley Elementary School
610 E. High Street, Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: (716) 478-4670/4671
Fax: (716) 478-4685
Aliscia Krecisz, Principal
Communication Protocol
In an effort to assist our community with being able to resolve concerns in a more efficient manner, the district has established this communication protocol for resolving concerns. Our goal in launching this "chain of command" is to ensure that concerns are resolved in a proficient and productive manner to better address the needs of our students, staff, and community.