Attendance Policy

School attendance is required by New York State Law. An absence is legally excused for four reasons:

1. Illness of the student or a medical appointment.
2. Sickness or death in family
3. Appearance in court
4. Religious observation (as defined by school board policy).

All other absences are unexcused.

NOTE: Parents are encouraged to call the office at 478-4702 or

email to report absences or tardiness.
When students return to school after an absence they must bring a written excuse, signed by their parent or guardian.

The excuse should include:
1) Date(s) of absence
2) Reason for absence
3) Parent/guardian signature

If after three (3) days an excuse has not be provided, the student will be sent to see the Assistant Principal for disciplinary action.

A student who develops a medical condition that will result in missing at least three (3) school days must notify the school nurse(s) (716-478-4713) or (716-478-4714). Missed class assignments can be obtained by contacting the Guidance Office and requesting their assignments. A student who is absent for a shorter period of time may obtain their assignments from a classmate. Assignments not made up will be reflected in the student's grade.

Lateness / Tardiness
A student who is late (tardy) to school must bring a note from a parent/guardian explaining the reason for the lateness. Students who are frequently late will be assigned either after school detention or Saturday morning detention.

Early Dismissal
During the school day students are not allowed to leave the building except with a pass received from the Main Office. Students not following this rule will be considered truant and are subject to disciplinary action.

If a parent has made arrangements for a dismissal during school hours (doctor appointment, dentist appointment, etc.), the student is to follow this procedure:

1. Report to the nurse's office during homeroom.
2. Present the request signed by the parent/guardian.
3. Receive an early dismissal pass.
4. Present the pass to the teacher of the class the student will be
dismissed from .
5. Return the pass to the Main Office at dismissal time.
6. If returning to school, report to the Main Office to check in and receive
a pass to class.

Late buses will be provided periodically for middle school bus students involved in an after school activity on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The buses will leave school at 3:50 p.m. and will drop students off at selected areas.

Students may ride the late bus if they are at school for extra help, supervised after school activity, or detention. Students may stay after school only when they are under supervision by a teacher. Students cannot return to ride the late bus once they have left school.

Students who normally walk to/from school are not allowed to ride the late buses.